Children's profiles

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Children's Profiles!

Musumba Jovan

Musumba Jovan

AGE: 13

GRADE:  Primary Four

D.O.B: 07/01/2009


My favourite colour colour is blue.

My favourite hobby is playing football

I want to become a Veterinary Doctor

My favourite subject is Mathermatics

Duties at Home

I help to fetch water from the well which we use for cooking at home

Bukulu Emmanuel Arshavin

AGE: 4 yrs

GRADE:  Baby Class

D.O.B: 21/11/2018


My favourite colour is yellow

My favourite hobbies are football and running.

I want to become an Engineer

My favourite subject is writing

Duties at Home

I help in cleaning our compound with my family

Kasumba Reagan

AGE: 13yrs

GRADE:  Primary Four



My favourite colour is yellow

My favourite hobby is playing football

I want to become a doctor

My favourite subject is English

Duties at Home

I help in the gardening work and cleaning at home.


Musasizi John

AGE: 13yrs

GRADE: Primary Four



My favourite colour is white

My favourite hobby is football

My favourite subject is science

I want to become a doctor

Duties at Home

I help in cooking food at home and fetching water.

Nabushawa Natasha

AGE: 8 yrs

GRADE:  Top class

D.O.B: 14/05/2014


My favourite colour is Red

My favourite hobby is cooking

I want to become a teacher

My favourite subject numbers

Duties at Home

I help fetching water,cleaning dishes and cooking food.

Nagawa Pauline

AGE: 3 yrs

GRADE:  Baby Class

D.O.B: 4/3/2019


My favourite colour is pink

My favourite hobby is dancing

I want to become a pilot

My favourite subject is counting

Duties at Home

I help my mother collecting the dirty untensils for washing.

Nambuya Leticia

AGE: 7 yrs

GRADE:  Middle Class

D.O.B: 16/05/2016


My favourite colour is yellow

My favourite hobby is playing netball

I want to become a nurse

My favourite subject is drawing

Duties at Home

I help is collecting fire wood for cooking

Musasizi John

AGE: 13yrs

GRADE: Primary Four



My favourite colour is white

My favourite hobby is football

My favourite subject is science

I want to become a doctor

Duties at Home

I help in cooking food at home and fetching water.